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Find a sample of our recent projects below. Additional projects will be added as they are made publicly available.

Puget Sound Regional Emissions Analysis Project (PSREA)

In collaboration with Cascadia Consulting Group, Stockholm Environment Institute, and Kim Lundgren Associates, EcoDataLab prepared a consumption-based emissions inventory (CBEI) and report for King, Pierce, Kitsap, and Snohomish Counties, as well as the City of Seattle. See the King County Communitywide Consumption-based GHG Emissions Inventory Report, published September 2022.

New York City Consumption-Based Emissions Inventory

Working under C40 Cities, EcoDataLab prepared a CBEI for New York City, the New York City Household Consumption-Based Emissions Inventory, published April 2023. This report was unique in that we also provided support to New York for developing the Integrated Citywide and Consumption Inventory (documentation here). The integrated inventory attempted to estimate the portion of consumption-based emissions that occur locally in New York City, overlapping with the sector-based inventory, versus emissions that occur outside of the city. EcoDataLab is now developing updated methodology to improve our data available on local vs non-local emissions.

City of Toronto Community & Corporate CBEI, Buildings & Infrastructure Analysis, Infographics Report

In 2023, EcoDataLab prepared a Community-Wide CBEI, a Corporate CBEI, a Buildings and Linear Infrastructure Analysis, and a public-facing CBEI Infographics Report for the City of Toronto.

The Community-Wide CBEI was the first instance of applying the US-based CBEI model to a Canadian community, and the report contained detailed discussions of how Toronto's existing emission reduction efforts align with CBEI-related emission reduction opportunities, as well as potential directions for future effort.

Toronto's Corporate CBEI developed Scope 3 procurement emissions, based on City budget data, and combined it with the existing municipal sector-based inventory to evaluate the impacts of city purchases of goods and services in comparison with other traditional categories of electricity, natural gas, and transportation fuels.

The Buildings and Linear Infrastructure Analysis evaluated emissions from construction activity occurring in the city, using building permit data for 2019 and capital budget data to estimate total impacts from construction.

Lastly, the CBEI Infographics Report highlighted key findings of the Community-Wide and Corporate CBEIs and presented them in accessible, easy-to-understand infographics for public use.

As a result of this CBEI project, in October 2023 the Toronto City Council passed a recommendation to the City Manager to prepare reports on progress and action towards meeting Toronto's Cool Food Pledge and C40 Good Food Cities Declaration commitments, provide annual progress updates, and evaluate a plant-based purchasing program for City operations.

C40: Indicators Are Tools for Action

In collaboration with the University of Leeds and Sustainability Solutions Group (SSG), with advisory support from SEI and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), EcoDataLab led the preparation of the C40 report "Cutting GHG emissions from consumption: Indicators are tools for action," published in October 2023. This report - developed with a focus for New York City and London, but applicable to all cities - reviewed available data for tracking and evaluating progress towards reducing emissions from consumption. One key finding from this project: cities do not need a CBEI to get started on reducing emissions from consumption. Instead, cities can identify relevant categories of interest and take action using actionable data indicators (ADI) - relevant, readily available, and regularly updated data that tracks progress towards an emission reduction (or behavior change) goal. EcoDataLab can help jurisdictions identify and implement policies based upon ADI, with or without a CBEI. Using ADI can also allow for even broader emission reduction impacts than focusing on a CBEI or sector-based inventory would allow, as they can also reflect emissions associated with business or visitors that may not be captured in another inventory methodology.


Read our recent coverage in The New York Times.


For local governments and public institutions, click here to see sample RFPs we have responded to in the past.

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